Publisher. Published "The Scots Musical Museum, dedicated to The Catch Club, inst: 1771..." 6 volumes, dated 1787, 88, 90, 92, 96 and 1803. One of the foundation source books of Scottish melody. [NLS: Mus.41, etc]


The Scots Musical Museum, dedicated to The Catch Club, inst: 1771
details69 tunes
The Scots Musical Museum, dedicated to The Catch Club, inst: 1788
details55 tunes
The Scots Musical Museum, dedicated to The Catch Club, inst: 1790
details54 tunes
The Scots Musical Museum, dedicated to The Catch Club, inst: 1792
details37 tunes
The Scots Musical Museum, dedicated to The Catch Club, inst: 1796
details31 tunes
The Scots Musical Museum, dedicated to The Catch Club, inst: 1803
details14 tunes