“Flowers of Scottish Melody”, by JOHN MURDOCH HENDERSON (Glasgow 1935) fell outwith the scope of the original Index, but it contains some truly wonderful music of the tradition as well as some of the author’s own compositions. Henderson should be remembered as creator of the first index of fiddle music collections, which remained unpublished at his death in the 1970s, before IT made so many things possible

Alex. R FindlayHp50JMH
Annie is my DarlingReel 41Capt. S. Fraser (F2v2)
Auld Brig o' Don, ThePast.53Jas. Henry (H5)
Aul'er Style, TheReel 11JMH
Beauty of the North, TheStr.53Capt. S. Fraser (F2v2)
Braes of Busby (Bushbie), TheSM8Repos.(Mc12)
Braes o' Mar, TheStr.21Bremner (B15)
Braes o' Tullymet, TheStr. 11N. Stewart (N12)
Brechin CastleStr. 17Gow Repos. (G11v2A)
Bridge of Dee, TheStr. 23Jas. Young (Lowe, L8v4)
Bridge of Dee, TheReel 23Jas. Young (Lowe, L8v4)
Cailleach na Beinne Brice Air7D. Campbell Coll.1862
Cairdin' o'tCD2Kerr (K2v2)
Captain Gillan's Str.40Wm. Christie Coll.
"C.D." Strathspey, TheStr.43JMH
Charles HardieStr.34JMH ("Methlick Wonder")
Charles SutherlandReel 47JMH (Violinist)
Clydeside Lasses, TheReel 28Gow 6 (G10v6)
Coilsfield HouseAir6Gow 5 (10v5)
Crichton's Jig15JMH
Cross of Inverness, The Reel 7Fraser ("Clachnacudain")
Departed WorthLam55JMH (to his father)
Donald MorisonReel37Alex. Grant, Inverness
Duchess of Bedford, TheS/Str.15Wm. Marshall
Duke of Atholl, TheStr.42Alex. Walker, 1866 (W1)
East Neuk of Fife, The CD3Version in Skinner (S8v8)
Eugene StrattonHp17Skinner (rare)
F.D. Mainland (Shetland)QS49JMH
Fire and FervourReel 37JMH (To John Dickie)
Firth House, TheHp14Anon. (also in Köhler/3)
Flowers of Edinburgh, TheCD2Version in Kerr/1
Forth Bridge, TheStr.22W. Blyth (first published here?)
Forth Bridge, TheReel22W. Blyth (first published here?)
Frank GilruthStr.48Peter Milne
Frank GilruthReel 48Peter Milne
Gavin GreigStr.24JMH (Buchan Musician)
George RiddellReel25JMH (Rosehearty Musician)
George's DelightReel 56JMH
George I. TaylorStr.10JMH (L/handed Fiddler)
Gillan's ReelReel40Attrib. Peter Milne
Good Old JohnReel 38JMH (Strichen Violinist)
Greig's StrathspeyPast.8Gow 2 (G10v2)
Haslam's HornpipeHp48Also in Köhler/1
Heiress, TheReel42Attrib. Fraser in Lowe (L8v6)
Hey to Couper (Cupar)Past.19V.old (Bremner, B15/12)
Highlands of BanffshireStr. 29Fraser (Braighe Bhanbh)
Highland Troop, ThePast.5Fraser ('n Trupa Ghaidheal . . .)
House of Skene, The (Book 2 series 2)Air14From Jas. Davie's Cal. Repos.
Inverar(a)y CastleStr. 44Fraser (Caisteal Inbher-Aora)
"J.B." Reel, The Reel44JMH (Jas. B. Paterson, Cullen)
J.F. Dickie's DelightS/Str.30JMH (Jas. F. Dickie, New Deer,
J.F. Dickie's ReelReel31celebrated fiddler, 20th c. )
J. Scott SkinnerStr.32JMH
J. Scott SkinnerReel 33JMH ("The Strathspey King")
Jenny Dang the WeaverReel21Thomson "Orpheus Caled." (T6)
John Cheap the ChapmanReel9Gow's Repos./2 (G11v2B)
Johnnie's made a Waddin' o'tReel 1N. Stewart (S12)
Keep it up ! (As a Thoiseach)Reel56Anon. (Pub: Fraser, F2v2)
KeithmorePast.53Wm. Marshall
Lady Ann Hope (Miss Hope)Str.7Attrib: J. Pringle in Gow Repos
Lady Caroline MontagueMar.51Gow 4 (G10v4)
Lady Charlotte Campbell Str.6Nath. Gow (G10v3)
Lady Doll SinclairReel 41Bremner (B15)
Lady Margaret Stewart Reel 42Gow 2 (G10v2)
Lady Mary Primrose's FavoritePast.15Gow 4 (G10v4)
Lady Mary RamsayStr.23Gow 4
Lady MontgomeryReel17E. of Eglinton (E2 etc.)
Let not Scotland lose her FamePast.18JMH in memory of Skinnner
Loch Earn, or Tilt SideReel7Nath. Gow (G10v2)
Loch Ericht [Erroch] SidePast.49In MacGlashan (Mc9v3)
Loch Riach, "The Broch Dam"Mar.41JMH To Alex. Grant (genius)
Lodge of Glentana, TheStr.45J.S.Skinner (Elgin Coll. 1884)
Lone Highland Glen, TheAir54JMH
Madam FrederickS/Str.39Wm. Marshall
Major and MinorReel45JMH
Mallard, TheHp14JMH
Marchioness of Huntly, TheStr.35Wm. Marshall
Marquis of Huntly, TheStr.9Wm. Marshall
Marquis of Huntly's Snuff MullStr.26Wm. Marshall's "Miss Dallas"
Minstrel's Home, TheAir12JMH
Mirth and MelodyStr. 36JMH (Miss F. Dickie, Turriff)
Miss Campbell of SaddellPast.14Robt. Mackintosh (Mc21v3)
Miss Graham of InchbrakieAir50Nath. Gow (G10v2)
Miss Herries Forbes' Farewell to BanffAir53Isaac Cooper (C8v1, G11v2D)
Miss Innes of MeldrumStr. 22arr. JMH (airs by Cooper)
Miss Laura AndrewMar.47J.S.Skinner
Miss Maria Carr, AberdeenPast.13JMH (blind pianist)
Miss Rose of TarlogieS/Str.33In Donald Grant (G15)
Mr. Alex. Laing, LeucholdHp48Wm. Marshall
Mr. Gordon of HallheadStr. 6Wm. Marshall
Mrs.A.R. Findlay, Aberdeen High SchoolReel51JMH
Mrs. B. CattoS/Str.19JMH (Reciter of poetry)
Mrs. C. Sutherland Pianist FraserburghStr.46JMH
Mrs. Forbes Leith, Whitehaugh HouseReel17J.S. Skinner
Mrs. Garden of TroupStr. 28R. Petrie (P5v2)
Mrs. Gordon BruceCD5JMH (Dancer, Aberdeen)
Mrs. Gordon of ParkPast.40Wm. Marshall
Mrs. G. SinclairPM40JMH (Pianist)
Mrs. Johnston, Glen OgleReel23Donald Grant Coll. (G15)
Mrs. Shand, AberdeenStr.4JMH (Celebrated Dancer)
Muir o' Gellan, TheStr. 38Peter Milne
New Brig o' Dee, The Str. 20?"Johnnie Steel" in Köhler
New Brig o' Dee, The Reel21Niven Mss. (1761)
New Brig o' Methlick, The Str.28Wm. Hardie, Methlick
New Brig o' Methlick, The Reel28Wm. Hardie, Methlick
New Kelvin Bridge, The Reel37Archd. Morrison
Niel Gow's Lament for Jas. Moray Esq.
of AbercairneyAir 6Niel Gow (G10v1)
Nimble Fingers (To Miss M. Carr)QS39JMH
North Country Style, TheReel20JMH (To John Pirie, Violinist)
North Shore, TheHp19Anon. (arr. JMH)
Old Reel, The (Book2/series2) Reel9From Jas. Davie's Cal. Repos.
Pennan DenPast.25By James Watt (1832-1909
Perth[shire] Assembly, TheReel26By Samson Duncan (1767-1837)
Princess BeatriceHp8By W.B. Laybourn (Kohler Bk3)
Riches DeniedPast.52JMH (To Peter Milne)
Robert Cormack, AberdeenPast.26Jas. Henry (H5)
Roslin CastleAir56In McGibbon (Mc8)
(Alex.) Sandy F.Skinner (1833-83) Reel 29JMH (Violinist, Banchory)
Scottish "Snap", TheStr.16JMH (To R.E. Cahill, Aberdeen)
Sir David Davidson of CantrayReel22Joseph Lowe (L8)
Strachan'sStr.56By Geo. Wright, Aberdeen
Tarland Memories (Or George Rose Wood)Past.21By Peter Milne
Tarves Trippers, TheStr.27JMH ("To Aul' Jamie Morrison")
There was a Lad was born in KyleCD2CD and Song
TullochgorumStr. 1First I Bremner 1 (B15v1)
Tweedside Lasses, TheAir42Alex. Walker, 1866 (W1)
Urquhart Castle (Caisteal Urchadainn)Past. 9Anon. In Fraser (1816) (F2v2)
Whistle o'er the Lave o't Air1Attrib: Jas. Bruce (Bremner B15)
White Cockade, TheCD3In Jas. Aird (A1v1) and Kerr (K2)
William. Duguid, FyvieStr.31By Wm. Martin, Inverkeithnie
William. J. Hardie, Violinist, AberdeenReel35JMH

National Library of Scotland (Shelf-mark: MH123)

CD  Country Dance
Hp  Hornpipe
Past.  Pastoral
SM  Scots Measure
Str.  Strathspey