Composer. (C13-1) "A Collection of New Reels & Highland Strathspeys with a bass for the Violincello or Harpsichord by [J.C], A Number of which are his own..." (c.1786) 48pp. Pub; Glasgow. [NLS: Glen 327; Inglis 170(2)] (C13-2)" Collection of Newest & Best Reels & Minuets..." Glasgow 1788. 80pp. [NLS: Glen 156(1) (C13-3) "A Collection of Favourite Tunes with new variations adapted for the Violin. & German Flute with a bass for the Violincello & thorough bass for the Harpsichord by [J.C.] corrected by P. Urbani..." Edinburgh, c. 1800; 80pp. [NLS: Glen 151(1)] (C13-4) "A Collection of New Reels & Highland Strathspeys with a bass for the violincello or harpsichord by [J.C.] The Basses for this Collection are corrected by P. Urbani..." Edinburgh c.1800 36pp. "Book 1st." [NLS: MH.12]


A Collection of New Reels & Highland Strathspeys with a bass for the Violincello or Harpsichord by [J.C], A Number of which are his own...
details84 tunes
Collection of Newest & Best Reels & Minuets..." Glasgow 1788. 80pp
details124 tunes
A Collection of Favourite Tunes with new variations adapted for the Violin. & German Flute with a bass for the Violincello & thorough bass for the Harpsichord
details41 tunes
A Collection of New Reels & Highland Strathspeys with a bass for the violincello or harpsichord
details29 tunes